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Tips for Preventing Bad Breath

If you suffer from chronic bouts of halitosis (bad breath), you’re not alone. Get some helpful tips for preventing bad breath from our dental clinic in Guelph!


Tips for Preventing Bad Breath from Our Dental Clinic in Guelph

If you suffer from chronic bouts of halitosis (more commonly referred to as bad breath), you’re not alone. It’s conservatively estimated that at least 25-30% of the world’s population suffers from this unfortunate condition. Don’t let bad breath ruin a valuable first impression. After all, you only get one chance to make it right. As a dental clinic in Guelph practicing general dentistry, Westwood & Starwood Dental is here to offer our patients some tips for preventing bad breath. First, we’ll go over what it is, and then how you can avoid it by practicing good oral hygiene at home and by coming in to one of our dental clinics for regular checkups.


What Causes Bad Breath?

The occasional bad breath is normal. We’ve all been there after eating too much garlic or onions. However, when you chronically have bad breath, it can be indicative of a more serious health issue. Several factors can lead to chronic bad breath, many of them directly related to the quality of your dental care. Untreated cavities, gum disease and poor oral hygiene habits and malnutrition are the usual suspects for halitosis. Because your mouth is a natural haven for bacteria to thrive and grow, it’s important to keep the bacteria at bay by practicing good oral hygiene. When too many bacteria are allowed to live on your tongue or below your gumlines, it can lead to gum disease and unpleasant odours. And if you have a health condition such as uncontrolled diabetes, dry mouth or an intestinal disorder, that can further increase your chances for halitosis.


Avoid Sugar, Smoking and Dry Mouth

One of the easiest ways to avoid bad breath is simply to limit your intake of bad breath-causing foods, especially when you know you’re about to go out in public. You could also quit smoking or chew sugar-free gum after meals to help freshen your breath while you’re on the go. By limiting your intake of foods and drinks that contain excessive amounts of sugar, you’re also eliminating the likelihood of bacteria that thrive upon that sugar to make acid, which in turn wears down your teeth and causes cavities and bad breath. Dry mouth (not producing enough saliva) can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath, so it’s also important to drink plenty of water every day. If you continue to have bad breath after doing all of these things, then perhaps it’s time you visited your dentist.


Visit Your Family Dentist Regularly

Visiting your family dentist in Guelph regularly is essential to combating halitosis. Having regular checkups and cleanings ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy and that the proper care is taken when they’re not. Brushing and flossing regularly at home in-between visits will help you eliminate more of the bad breath-causing bacteria in your mouth, as well as help you remove plaque buildup on your teeth and any lurking trapped foods in between your teeth and gums that may also be causing odours. It’s recommended that you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. However, if you’re especially concerned about bad breath, you can probably afford to do it even more often than that. Always make sure you’re rinsing your mouth and tongue thoroughly. Using a minty mouthwash can also add an extra layer of protection to help keep the bacteria at bay.


Offering General Dentistry in Guelph

If you’re looking for a dentist who offers general dentistry in Guelph and the surrounding areas, consider Westwood & Starwood Dental for all your family’s needs. Our primary mission is to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy, strong and disease-free. Together, we can eliminate problems before they arise through effective preventative care. If bad breath is an issue plaguing you or a family member, come in to one of our two convenient office locations for a consultation. Contact us today to learn more about our dental services and/or to schedule your next dental appointment!


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